
Jan 18, 20226 min

How to care for your candle?

There are many ways to care for your candle. There is a proper way and a wrong approach to care for your candles.

Some may be surprised by this news. After all, how much attention could one candle possibly require? But the truth is that there are several procedures you should be doing if you want to keep your candles in good condition—and most of them are simple to implement into your routine.

What are the proper tools to use for your candle?

Proper care leads to correct and more prolonged use and makes your organic candle more worth your money. So, it's essential to understand how to care for your candle and do that with proper tools!

Wick Trimmer

A wick trimmer is a type of scissor that is specifically designed to cut candle wicks. You might be wondering why you can't just use a regular scissor to trim your wick. You will be able to do so at first. However, once your candle wax has burned halfway or lower into the vessel, you will be unable to reach the wick with a standard scissor. You also don't want to harm your watercraft. Wick trimmers are also unique in that the spoon-like catcher catches the trimmed wick, so it does not fall into the candle.

"Make sure you cut your wick to 0.5 cm each time before lighting."

By keeping the wick short, you control the amount of wax present, which means less soot is formed while the candle is burning.

Wick Snuffer

The snuffer is to extinguish burning candles. The use of a snuffer helps to avoid problems associated with blowing hot wax. Aside from this, it also eliminates the chance of wax and soot getting on walls or other unwanted surfaces when blowing them out instead.

Wick Dipper

One of my favorite candle accessories is the wick—the Dipper aids in extinguishing candles without causing the wick to smoke. Dip the candle wick into the molten wax, lift it directly, and then center the wick to allow it to cool in the correct location. This quenching process eliminates wick-burning and adds fuel to the wick for relighting.

How to take care of your candles?

· When you initially light your candle, make sure it burns evenly.

When lighting a candle for the first time, allow it to burn for a few minutes. Before you extinguish the candle, be sure the entire surface has melted. Why is this so? If you don't, your candle may develop a rim of solid wax that never melts. This is known as tunneling, and you've undoubtedly seen it before. If you want all of the wax in your candle to burn, you must let it burn evenly before putting it out.

· Keep your candle clean

After a few uses, you may notice that soot and other debris have begun to gather inside the container. Remove this muck as soon as you see it. Scrap that protrudes above the wax can be ignited by the flame of the candle, resulting in several flames in the candle. This can cause the candle to overheat, resulting in a flash over or when the entire surface of the candle catches fire.

When you detect wick trimmings in your candle's wax, use tweezers (or something similar) to pluck them out. Wipe away soot, fingerprints, and other visual distractions using a dry towel. However, avoid using a wet towel because water can cause your candle to burn unevenly.

· Trim your candle's wick

If you want a clean, even burn, ensure sure your candle's wick is the correct length. And this may necessitate some cutting. Check the length of your wick before lighting your candle. If it is longer than the recommended 0.25 inch, clip it neatly with scissors (or a wick trimmer). After that, relight it. Of course, you don't want to make it too short. A wick that is too short can become lost in a sea of melted wax and fail to light, so be as accurate as possible.

· When putting out your candle, try to make as little of a mess as possible.

When it comes time to extinguish your candle, do it with caution. If your candle comes in a jar, you can extinguish it simply by replacing the lid. You could also get a decent snuffer. Blowing out a candle works, but it must be done gently. Use only the amount of air that is required. If you blow too forcefully, the wax will spatter everywhere, wasting your wax and leaving you with a mess to clean up.

You can also extinguish a candle by dipping the wick in molten wax. You may do this with a wick dipper. Press your wick into the wax using the tool, then straighten it out before it dries.

· While there is still wax in your candle, it should be put out.

It would be best if you put out a candle before it runs out of wax altogether. Why is this so? If you let your candle burn all the way down, it may overheat its container, causing a hazard, a mess, or both. Most candle experts recommend that you put out your candle while there is still 0.5 inches of wax in it.

Keep in mind that you can always clean out the wax and reuse your bottle. To burn off the remaining wax, use a mug warmer or place your candle in the freezer. This can cause the wax to shrink, making it easier to remove. Give your vessels a new lease of life by repurposing them as a flower vase, an orchid pot, or a pencil holder.

· Store your candles in a cool and dark place

Unfortunately, your candles will eventually burn out. While they are unlikely to spoil in the same manner that food does, they can lose their scent, discolor, or otherwise get stale. Temperature variations, as well as light, can hasten the aging process. So keep your candles in a cold, dark place between seasons. It is best to keep your candles at room temperature. And, if at all feasible, light your candles within 12 to 16 months of purchasing them.

· Wrap your candles before storing them.

A fantastic technique to keep your candles safe from the elements? Before keeping them, wrap them in plastic wrap. Give your tucked-away candles the mummy treatment. Wrap them up—with lids on if they have them—to keep them as airtight as possible."

Candle care dos and don'ts

Place your candle on a heat-resistant surface.

This may seem self-evident, but it needs repeating. Before lighting your candle, make sure it's on a stable, heat-resistant surface. Otherwise, you risk causing damage to your furnishings. And, of course, put your candle away from combustible things, as well as any children or pets who might knock it over.

Do keep lighted candles a few inches apart

If you decide to light numerous candles at once, keep them at least several inches apart. They can cause each other to heat up or melt if they are placed too near together. Candle-scaping is a lovely look. Maintain a minimum of 5 to 6 inches of space between your candles to ensure the best performance.

Do follow the instructions.

It is usually a good idea to read the directions. Candles can be constructed from a variety of different materials, so it's essential to follow the care instructions that came with yours. This will assist you in ensuring that your candle lasts as long as possible.

Don't keep your candle in a windy spot.

The wind might cause your candle to burn unevenly, resulting in tunneling. Keep the candle away from drafts, air vents, and windows. If you notice the flame flickering or tunneling, move the candle to a location with less air movement.

Don't let your wick mushroom.

Have you ever seen a candle wick that is topped with what appears to be a small charred piece of popcorn? This is known as a mushroom. Before relighting your candle, remove any mushrooms from the wick. Otherwise, you risk creating a huge, smoky blaze. Look for mushrooms and eliminate them when you try to trim your wick. After then, relight your candle.

Don’t freeze your candle.

It's an old wives' story that freezing candles makes them last longer, but it's not true. Freezing a candle, on the other hand, might cause its wax to split. And this can make getting a clean, even burn the next time you ignite it more difficult.

Never leave a candle unattended.

Neither leave your candle unattended nor don't leave it lighted while you sleep. Accidents can and do occur, but you may avoid them by remaining alert and present when your candle is lit.
